27 July 2016

.let go.

I had the most beautiful dream last night, I was swimming in deep blue ocean waters. The water was calm and I was far out from shore. I would feel nervous and then reminded myself in that moment to just let go and relax - enjoy the peace - allow the salty waters to hold me up. 

I found this quote in an old notebook yesterday, "Try to do everything in the world with a mind that lets go. If you let go a little you will have a little peace. If you let go a lot you will have a lot of peace. If you let go completely, you will know complete peace and freedom. Your struggles with the world will have come to an end." Achaean Chah

I'm almost all packed up at my place. I don't usually stay any one place too long but I've been living in this house for over a year and a half! I'm moving out this weekend and I think it might feel strange to not sleep in this room - not in a way that I'll miss it but in the comfort of being able to bike home with my eyes closed, a feeling I haven't had in a long time. When transitions come I get nervous right before the movement happens - that last minute doubt - hold on to something feeling. I'm moving out and going to be nomadic again for another 6 or so weeks. I'm ready to live somewhere but also, I need to remind myself that I know how to do this - how to float and live out of a backpack - find inspiration in the lightness. To take this open door and embrace it knowing that I'm moving towards something I've never had before, a rootedness but for the next little bit I'm open and free! To make having fun a priority - to let go a lot or completely.

What is this summer bring for you?

1 comment:

Sandra Dunn said...

Your journey - your words in this post bring comfort to me. I'm in transition right now…. the roots are clinging,,,
but the "soil" has gotten bad…. I need to let God take an axe to the tap root and be free. Thank you for the quote and
piece of your life that makes sense to me as well.