01 April 2014

.Wild Sage.

The sun has seemed a little shy here - not wanting to fully commit - coming out now and again but spring is here. I'm spending my days finding a new and old places to explore and everywhere I go there is this familiar, comforting, invigorating scent of wild big sagebrush (I've been mentioning it a lot lately...). It has been so healing and centering during this seasonal and personal transition that I have decided to offer something new in my etsy shop, sage bundles! I'm really excited to share something so special.

You can use the sage bundle fresh, placed in a bathroom to invigorate your shower or bath, placed in a living space to add it's rich earthy smell, or burnt as a smudge to cleanse an area and embrace this new season (transition).

Find the sage bundles here in the etsy shop.

Happy Spring to you and yours.

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