02 December 2013

.words to live by.

“The reality is that tomorrow is most certainly uncertain and no matter how many expectations we form, tomorrow will come, tomorrow will go and it will all be what it will be.” 

Lori Deschene

Words come just when you need them. This quote is one I've really needed for some time. So I'm letting these words/truths wash over me today - to start this week fresh/anew. All I need is to be right here. All I can do is be right here

It seems like the past weeks have been a dizzy twirl between then-now-when. I watched a documentary that was in Africa yesterday and it took me there. I could feel the hot hot dripping sweat - the smells of the burning garbage - the view from my house on the hill - the sounds of market day - the deafening rain. 
I was there. It felt so real - so beautiful. 
But my only truth is here, right here - everything else is a memory or an idea. 

Today, anew, alive. 

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