13 December 2017

.midcoast maine + showing up.

I've found myself deep in process + questions the past 3 months of being back East. I've found myself trying to answer questions instead of embracing open curiosity. I think the familiarity here - or elements of familiarity make me quick to jump to expectations or assumptions and feel frustrated when things don't align. I'm at another place of transition moving out of my temporary dwelling and heading West for a few weeks before I come back East, again - to a new place. I want to make more time to write down my observations + questions + curiosities here as I finish 2017 and dive into 2018 with new intentions.

Thanks for being here.

I've been exploring Maine a lot in the past few months. It's a fascinating place that feels rugged, unforgiving and unknown to me. This past weekend I spent some time in the Midcoast region while we received our first snow fall. I'm so curiosity about these little seasonal art communities - how they change so much with the season and how the community needs one another because of these drastic changes. I really loved the town of Camden.

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