17 May 2015

.new moon in taurus.

Happy New Moon in beautiful earthy Taurus!! A great reminder to slow down, re-calibrate our balance and root down into our connections.

 I had a super busy weekend trying to fit social, jewelry and work all in together!! I finally finished a work event today at 4pm and ran to the jewelry studio to work but as soon as I got there I couldn't work on anything. I was tired and distracted - I had to leave. I came home, made dinner and just sat outside enjoying the sunset and felt my energy settle. I was totally ignoring this beautiful new moon, forcing today to be a doing day when what I really needed was to just be present, be outside and slow down. It's so funny how life gives us just what we need (if we are aware) - today I met someone who visits my hometown often for work. This is so random as I am from a small town on the west coast and here I am in Boston. We talked for 30 minutes all about joys and quirks of my hometown - it made me so happy to be connected today and wasn't until later that I realized this moment was totally the new moon. I called to tell my Mom about my hometown convo and we started talking about tiny homes and I felt a tug to buy land, build a home and root myself to a place. This has been a forever dream of mine - I just haven't found the place yet but it was so beautiful to feel the desire wash over me - still true. What a sweet new moon this is!

I hope you allowed yourself time to slow down and connect. What came up for you during this new moon? What do you do to celebrate a new moon?

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